Nicolas Arnouts

I am a

About myself

Computers have always fascinated me. Your imagination is the limit.

Junior Full Stack Developer

  • Residence: Ghent, Belgium
  • Freelance: Available
  • Curriculum Vitae:Download here
  • Age: 22
  • Education: Bachelor's degree in Applied Computer Science (postponed)
  • Email:
My most valuable qualities
Can-do mentality

I am not afraid to start from 0 to achieve my goal. Step by step I am learning about a subject that really interests me: solving problems with technology. Solving problems is all about asking the right questions: Google and ChatGPT are my most valuable tools.

Parallel thinking

Multiple solutions are considered. I look at the problem from different perspectives and make multiple hypotheses. In my mind, I allow different opinions and possible views to debate with each other until the most likely truth remains.


I firmly believe that every problem offers an opportunity. This optimism drives me to seek out solutions where others might see roadblocks. While I enjoy turning problems into challenges, I'm also aware of the occasional pitfall of 'wishful thinking' and continually strive for a balance between hope and reality.

Technical Skills

Because experimenting with computers has been my hobby since childhood, I have been able to accumulate a wide range of technical skills over the years.

Node.js (Typescript)70%
Java (17)30%
Android Development (Kotlin & Java)40%
Linux & SysAdmin75%
React.JS (Typescript)65%
UX/UI Design40%
Photoshop 35%
WordPress 90%



Hours programmed

Finished projects


Hours of IT support (friends, family)

Years Experience

Curriculum Vitae

Download my CV here

Professional Experience

Full Stack Developer

March - May 2023

ProFunctional, Kortrijk, BE

  • Developed a reservation system for 30+ padel clubs.
  • Each padel court is securely enclosed with gated access. Users are granted keypad access to the court for specific time slots.
  • The system seamlessly integrates with an external API to generate access codes, which are then relayed to the user. Additionally, it manages the court lighting, adjusting for sunrise and sunset timings.
  • Club owners have access to a dashboard, displaying relevant metrics and can modify settings as needed.

Junior Software Developer - Automation

October 2020

ST Engineering (Former Newtec), Sint-Niklaas, BE

  • The company develops satellite modems and had to regularly extract log files, the problem was that employees' computers were several server hops away from the modem to be reached. So one had to set up multiple ssh connections with different credentials, to then execute the appropriate commands & download files. My script automated this process.
  • Manually this task took up to 15 minutes, my script dropped this to 1 minute or less.
  • Simple but powerful. 1 python script and a .json config file was all that was needed.
  • I learned what the key requirements are to save time & effort through scripting & automation

Summer Job Machine Learning - R&D project

July - August 2019

ST Engineering (Former Newtec), Sint-Niklaas, BE

  • Using Machine Learning to detect anomalies in log files
  • QA team had to manually search large amounts of log files to find problems. This tedious work could be improved.
  • R&D team had already worked out concept, but was not working properly. My job was to experiment, figure out why it wasn't working properly and if there were other options.
  • I learned that rather than reinventing the wheel, implementing and elaborating an existing solution was the right choice to save time, effort and money.
  • Python, Flask, bootstrap, Github, ElasticSearch, Grafana

Internship Machine Learning

May 2019

ST Engineering (Former Newtec), Sint-Niklaas, BE

  • Using Machine Learning to find a correlation between reduced internet quality of aircraft modems and metrics such as flight time, flight route, modem number,...
  • I learned the basic concepts of Machine Learning by working hands-on with a real-life implementation
  • Python (pandas, NumPy, scikit-learn, matplotlib) & Jupyter Notebook


Professional Bachelor Applied Computer Science

2019 - 2022

Hogeschool Gent, Ghent, Belgium

Postponed due to other priorities.

During my education I learned, among other things:

  • How to create a professional web application with HTML, TailwindCSS, React.js & Node.js
  • How to create an application in JAVA with GUI (Java FX)
  • Computer architecture & low-level processes
  • Database design & querying/manipulating data with SQL
  • Software Design Patterns
  • Cybersecurity

IT Management

2017 - 2019

Broederschool, Sint-Niklaas, België

I learned the basics of programming with and HTML/CSS. As my final project, I created a walking route app (with GPS/backend/API) for Android, written in Java. Backend in ASP &


2015 - 2016

GTI Beveren, Beveren, België

When I was 14 years old, I choose a school education closest to my interests: computers and programming. There I learned what bits and bytes are, how to design an electrical circuit, and how to make a speaker with an arduino.

As a little boy

2012 - 2015

Home, Waasmunster, Belgium

Experimenting with computers was my hobby. With my cell phone I was able to show you the dangers of HTTP through a MITM attack. I also wanted to show you why downloading & installing apk's from unknown sources is not a good idea.

What I can do for you

You can always contact me for advice or even hire me for a project.

I develop your website

I respond to your needs and together we will find the best solution for you. Does this mean a WordPress website or a fully custom-made web application with accompanying front-and-backend technology? In any case: I got you covered.

I code your Python Script

Python: my favorite programming language. It is fast to write, simple and extremely powerful at the same time. In Python, you write 3-5 times less code to accomplish the same thing than in Java. Imports and open source libraries make it a pleasure to work with.

I optimize your (web) application

Together we go through your logs and/or code to see where improvements can be made. Is your web app using caching? Have you considered a CDN? Maybe your database indexes are missing or you are using inefficient queries.

I convert your design to code using HTML & TailwindCSS

Made a nice UI in Figma or Adobe XD? I will convert this to working HTML code along with TailwindCSS. TailwindCSS is a recently invented utility-first CSS framework comparable to bootstrap, but much more powerful. It allows styling with unseen speed, and makes working with CSS fun.

I configure your server

I have hundreds of hours of experience with ubuntu/debian server. Bash, services, nginx, gunicorn and docker are not unknown to me. Linux is ❤️

I will do a Cybersecurity audit

Is your (web) application vulnerable to hackers? Through OWASP top 10 or MASVS and some tools, I make a detailed report of what can be improved.


Have a look at some of my recent projects

  • All
  • App
  • Design
  • Web

A SaaS LLM AI companion tutorial I completed

Next 13, React, Pinecone, Stripe, Prisma, MySQL, Tailwind CSS

Star Wars Visualiser

A project I did as a technical test

Next.js, Typescript, TailwindCSS, tRPC, Prisma, MongoDB

F*CE webshop

Improved the webshop of my friend

Next.js, Typescript, GraphQL


Tutorial to improve my Design to Code skills

Deliveroo Clone

Introduction to React Native

Admin Dashboard

React Admin Dashboard App With Theming, Tables, Charts, Calendar, Kanban and More using the Syncfusion library

Harvest Clone

My first project with React, starting from 0

Renudge Focus (WIP)

Staying focused while doing deep work online

Let's meet

Have a question? Feel free to contact me!